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Treatment For Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Swelling of the lower limbs in a person can be due to several factors. Deep vein thrombosis is one of the less diagnosed and scary causes. Blood vessels that carry impure blood back to the heart from any part of the body. A person can develop clots in the blood vessels of his leg, leading to swelling, heavy and sometimes severe pain is known as deep vein thrombosis.


In many cases of DVT, there are no symptoms other than swelling. Common symptoms include swelling, tenderness, pain in the leg, worsening with standing or walking, temperature sensitivity, and skin cyanosis (bluishness).


Bed-ridden patient



History of DVT

Vein blockage

Prothrombotic state (blood clotting condition)

After the operations

Pregnancy or inpatient taking contraceptive pills


Treatment of DVT can be initiated by injecting blood thinners into pills, depending on the possible cause of DVT. Depending on the medication, blood tests and dietary restrictions may be required. Newer oral preparations offer better safety and are easier to use without the need for frequent blood tests or dietary restrictions. Most patients can be safely treated at home without the need for hospitalization.

How to Reduce DVT Risk

Stay physically active - important after surgery and during long journeys.

Stretching and moving your legs is one of the simplest and most effective things you can do to stop the blood from settling in the deep veins of the calf.

Maintain a normal weight.

Drink plenty of water.

Avoid excessive alcohol, which can lead to dehydration.