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A-V Fistula For Dialysis

AV fistula surgery is performed on dialysis patients with kidney failure. Once your kidney specialist has determined that you are likely to or need dialysis, you need to find a procedure.

Fistula surgery is another and best option for dialysis. Throughout the developed world, AV fistula is the preferred method for dialysis. The cost of dialysis in Bangalore varies depending on the complexity of the surgery and the need for additional materials.

Dialysis Admission Time

Your nephrologist can plan your dialysis entry month in advance, allowing you to have a fistula that operates better than dialysis with catheters. Vascular surgeons can help you plan the fistula/graft type by studying the ducts in your organs.

Tips for Maintaining Your Dialysis Access

Good local hygiene

Avoid pressure or blood sample in the limb

Softball Exercise

Follow your vascular surgeon regularly for at least three months once you undergo conservation procedures

Controlling blood pressure, low blood pressure can cause your fistula to stop

Fistula Salvage Procedures


Similar to an angiogram, this technique involves inserting a small tube into your fistula and extending the narrow part of your fistula with a balloon and improving flow. This is a daycare procedure done under x-ray guidance and the fistula can be used the next day.

Central vein angioplasty

Narrowing or blocking of the central blood vessels (SVC, Innominate, Subclavian) can be effectively managed by balloon angioplasty and stenting if necessary.

Graft thrombectomy

It is an open surgical technique that removes clots from the small incision in your organ with a special catheter. If you are fit you can perform the procedure under local anesthesia and graft for dialysis the next day.

Dialysis Access Care & Management

Your dialysis treatments will be most successful if your access is performing well. Taking good care of your access requires following precautionary measures advised by your nephrologist, including being apprehensive of the signs and signals of a dysfunctional access.

You will become familiar to common sounds and learn to identify anything unexpected, including pitch changes, whistles, or coughing noises.

There are minimally invasive procedures you can use to fix your dialysis access if it is malfunctioning.

What dialysis access care treatments are available for a dysfunctional access?

Blood flow through the access is reduced when an AV fistula or AV graft clogs or narrows, which may prevent someone from getting a planned dialysis session. In order to restore blood flow through your access when it becomes dysfunctional, your doctor might recommend an interventional procedure. A malfunctioning access can be swiftly fixed using one of many minimally invasive techniques, enabling the patient to resume their regularly scheduled dialysis sessions.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Treatments of a Dysfunctional Access

There are various advantages to treating a malfunctioning access with less invasive treatments to restore blood flow.

  • Typically, local anaesthetic is used instead of general anaesthesia.
  • Returning quickly to regular activities
  • Resuming or continuing uninterruptedly with your planned dialysis treatments